Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Happy 1st Birthday Bat

A little background about my fur baby

For those who don't know this time last year, not only did I start my new job in  a veterinary practice as a student veterinary nurse.
In my first few months of being there a kitten was brought in found on top of someones roof.
He was a scruffy skinny 4 week old black kitten and spent his first few days in the vets receiving some very much needed TLC.

Because this special boy needed milk feeding every few hours he needed to be taken home to be looked after, this is where I became very in love with this little pickle spending 90% of my time looking after him, cuddling bringing to and from work.
On days off I would stay at home making sure I wasn't away from home too long as his naps would only last 3 hours before he wanted to get on his bed and play/eat.

As you can imagine living at home with my parents and option to keep him was not really considered and the thought of once he was older to go to be re homed seemed likely.
I kept on persisting with the idea that he fitted into our little household so well.
Dotty our dog didn't mind him at all and when she and him
played for the first time that convinced my mother that letting him stay was what we both wanted.

We used to have a cat Roger a few years back and having a dog and cat was what seemed normal in our house,
 so he gradually fit in very well brightening up everyones days with his crazy personality and him being very mischievous. 

I just wanted to post this as he is my little fur baby so I hope you've enjoyed this little read
 & more in sight to my life!

Thanks for reading and here's to one year with my fur child Bat


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